The Noble Order of the Red Rose (Nobre Ordem da Rosa Vermelha): is an Order created to recognize and reward the efforts and the merits of the individuals towards charity, humanitarian projects, peace and comprehension between people, no matter their social status, religion, race, beliefs or financial situation. The Red Rose is a sacred and special symbol in various cultures, religions and countries, it is for that it was selected as the main symbol for this Chivalric Order.
The Order, due to the support of its members, participates in several Humanitarian and Charity Programs:• We have helped in organizing, creating and sustain a project that teaches young teenagers from poor communities how to cook and work as waiters for work in restaurants. We train 85 students each semester, and so far we have trained more than 700 teenagers, most of them now employed in the best restaurants. • Along with an association of cooks and nutritionists, we help organizing classes of nutrition, better eating and diminishing of waist of food for the poor housewives of the Favelas (shanty towns). Two classes a month are held now a days.• First Aid and Emergency Response courses are also organized in the Favelas, by a group of Medical Doctors and Nurses that are members of the Order. These events take place every weekend and also offer free treatment in these poor communities.• Health Care and free medicine is also provided by our volunteers, for the World War II Veterans.• We organize Blood Donations Days, collects of toys for Christmas, clothes for winter, medicines in catastrophic events, etc.